Help & Advice
Advice on choosing the right paint
Detailed advice on how to choose the right paint for your project. Acrylic, Cellulose, Synthetic or Enamel paint.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the advantages of Spray Paints?
Spray painting is a far quicker job to carry out in comparison to brush painting. You can also reach areas you cannot with a brush, the coverage is better, the finish is better and there are no brush marks or bubbles or cracks remaining on completion.
Surfaces that have been primed and prepared correctly prior to spray painting will last longer and are more durable.
How to Mix Custom Coloured Aerosols?
These are professional products so it is important that they a fully and correctly mixed to ensure colour accuracy.
How to Mix:
- When receiving the aerosol pull out of box and turn it upside down and time 60 seconds.
- Then Shake upside down for a timed 60 seconds non-stop (after hearing the rattle)
- Then Shake the right way for 60 seconds non-stop
- Then take the cap off and perform a spray test on a paint check panel (or white piece of paper/card) to ensure colour accuracy.
- If any issues get in touch with customer services immediately 0800 530 0375
Which delivery options do you offer?
We have Standard, Express and International deliveries.
Please see our delivery page for more details.
Why do I pay for delivery?
Custom filled aerosol spray paints are flammable chemicals under pressure, therefore it is important to have a fully insured track and trace delivery service. By investing in delivery, customers protect their well-being, and ensure the quality and usability of their solvent paint products.
Can I collect my Aerosols?
We deliver all Aerosols directly to our clients, we have no collection point.
We can only arrange pick up for special bulk orders – please speak to customer services for more details.
Can I make a weekend order?
Our website is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year to take orders and answer queries, however, our human paint mixers work business hours only.
If you place an order over the weekend, your order will be dealt with on Monday. Please see our delivery page for more details.
Please also note that we only deliver Monday to Friday. We do not deliver on weekends or bank holidays.
Do you only sell 400ml Aerosols?
We sell 500ml Aerosol Primers & Lacquers.
All custom filled colours are available in 400ml aerosols, 1 litre, 2.5 litre and 5 litre paint tins.
Any orders outside of the products on the website will require customers to phone customer services to order.
Do you sell Touch Up Paints?
Due to increases in universal prices within the paint industry, we have had to discontinue our 60ml touch up bottles, these were more expensive than a 400ml aerosol so we provide the aerosols for touch up solutions which have a paint life span of up to 24 months if stored correctly.
How do I recycle my Aerosols?
Once an Aerosol has been used, it needs to be disposed of correctly – many people have shown concern about this over the years.
Most local councils collect aerosols via household collection; otherwise, they can be taken to your local recycling facility and put into the right banks. Aerosol cans that are either partially or completely full must be separated from your other recyclables and general waste, as they are considered hazardous.
Your Spray Paints offers a Safe Aerosol Disposal Service by disposing of any used aerosols in the correct manner, free of charge. You will however need to pay for the postage to our factory. Please speak to customer services for more details.
What surfaces are Spray Paints used for?
Spray Paints can be applied to any surface as long as it has been prepared and primed correctly.
Our 4 main paint types cover all surfaces: metal, wood, plastic, fibre, cement, glass etc. Please make sure you know which primer is correct for the surface you’ll be spraying on, and understand how to prepare for spray painting.
What is the difference between 1K and 2K Aerosol Spray Paint?
When choosing the right Spray Paint for your project, not only it is important to know the difference between 1K and 2K aerosol cans but also to understand the use of the hardeners which are required to cure 2K paint.
A 1 pack paint does not require an activator to cure so it usually requires less drying time, however the final coating is not as hard wearing and resilient as a 2 pack paint which does require an activator (hardener) to cure but in general takes a longer period of time to dry. However, it does provide the most resilient final coating.
It is important to note that most traditional 2K hardeners are Isocyanic based and are sold widely as 2 pack paints. This type of hardener used in the traditional 2k or 2 pack paints includes compounds which are harmful to both humans and animals, and are known to cause cancer and other serious respiratory illnesses. This means that these paints should only be used under the strictest health and safety conditions, the label should always state “for professional use only” and bare the correct symbol of skull and crossbone. Its use should always be after the proper training and with the correct equipment as you can cause harm to yourself and others around you.
Isocyanate Hardener vs Non-Isocyanate Hardener
The traditional 2K or 2Pack Aerosols that come with the Isocyanate Hardener use a ring pull/button (or similar), which is usually attached to the lid and that is used as a tool on the base of the can to pull and twist the release of the hardener. Some providers use slightly different variants, but the self-contained hardener is released in the same way.
From the release of the Isocyanate Hardener, the paint has a shelf life of up to 4-8 hours of use, which can be a major hassle if you have to use multiple cans for the job over a few days. This can also affect the quality of your finish if the hardener is not fully released or if the mechanics of the canister fail.
Before release, the Isocyanate Hardener inside the can has a maximum shelf life of 12 months, beyond that point the compound begins to change and decrease. So, unless you can be assured of the date the can was manufactured (and not sat on a shelf for months), then you run the risk of purchasing a “new” product with an out-of-date hardener inside which, of course, is a recipe for disaster.
As the importance of health, environmental and cost issues have become a real concern for many industry professionals, coating companies and now homeowners, we ensure that all our 2K paints use a Non-Isocyanate Activator or hardener.
2K Aerosols with Non-Isocyanate Hardener also known as 2K ADC (Air Dry Converter), use a non-isocyanate based hardener to convert conventional 2k force dry paint and materials into air dry materials without losing any of the full benefits of this most versatile paint. The 2K ADC paint is for customers who require 2K or 2 pack paint and materials without the health concerns associated with Isocyanates.
In addition, with the Air Dry Converter the spray paint benefits from improved drying times and provides a usage time of at least 12 months, which becomes much more economical at volume levels.
So in summary, you have a choice when buying 2K paint in Aerosols: A product with a slightly faster drying time, but with major health risks and a maximum of 8 hours usage time or, a product with a slightly slower drying time, with no health concerns, and which is much more economical as each can has a usage time of at least 12 months, if cleaned and stored correctly.
It is important to note for anyone carrying out spray painting, whether professional or not, the importance of using the right equipment such as protective gloves, masks and breathing apparatus, and to ensure that health and safety protocols are being followed to provide a positive spraying experience.
The 2K can is a superior product that is recommended by professionals when application is intended for an exterior surface. 2K provides durable protection against environmental exposure with a harder wearing, smoother finish, and an improved resistance to oil, petrol, scuffs & scratches.
We can supply both types of 2K cans, however we always opt to provide the safer Non-Isocyanate version unless specifically asked not to.
We do not sell the traditional cans through the website as this is open to public and trade so, if you require the traditional 2k cans please contact us directly at
Choosing the right paint types
When looking to purchase the right paint type, it is important to understand the many variances that perform different functions within paint finishing (which can become confusing) so, below is some information to help you understand the right paint for your project. If you prefer to call someone regarding this, then please contact our customer service team on 0800 530 0375 or
The two main questions we always ask clients when purchasing spray paints is to find out: what surface they are spraying onto and what type of finish is required. It is also important to factor in whether the surface they are spray painting is subject to weather, UV and other conditions and thus needs to be hard wearing or repellent in some way.
When thinking of paint finishes most people only think of the gloss level, i.e. satin, matt etc, and although this is generally known as a type of paint finish, this is not actually a finish – it is a sheen. Paint finish in its truest sense relates to the final coating to finish the job and thus relates more to resilience, such as weather or oil resistance (or durability), rather than just the sheen. Some coatings will be lacquered finished and others will need the paint to be durable at high temperatures.
1K vs 2K
First let us look at 1K and 2K, as this creates a lot of confusion when choosing Spray Paint.
Sometimes referred to as 1 pack and 2 pack Spray Paint, the main difference between a 1K and 2K is in how the paint cures and therefore to do with the resilience of the final coating.
A 1 pack paint does not require an activator to cure and so it is normally a faster drying paint, however the final coating is not as hard wearing and resilient as a 2 pack paint, which requires an activator (hardener) to cure and is in general a slower drying paint but provides the most resilient final coating.
Both our 1K QAD and 2K ADC come with faster drying times. Our 1K QAD Enamel paint comes with a quick air dry system to speed up drying times and our 2K paint is a full 2K paint mixed with a Non-Isocyanate Air Dry Convertor rather that the standard harmful Isocyanate based hardeners. It provides a safer application, increases the shelf life of the paint and provides more protection to people, animals and the environment.
This is a very important point, as there is a major health risk issue with the 2 pack paints that include the traditional Isocyanate based hardener if not used under strict health and safety conditions. So before buying 2K pack Spray Paint Aerosols please read up on Isocyanate Hardeners and the difference between 1K and 2K aerosol canisters, which we have included as part of our Q&A section.
Different Paint Types
2K Acrylic ADC (air dry converted): A full 2K paint and one of the most versatile and durable paints available. Acrylic is hard wearing, as well as being weather, petrol and oil resistant when fully cured and can be applied over most pre-painted surfaces without need for a sealer. Our version uses a safer Non-Isocyanate Activator (hardener) to cure material. Suitable for most substrate surfaces outdoors as well as inside, including metal, wood and some plastics.
1K QAD Enamel: An industrial 1 pack quick air-dry paint for use in situations where quick drying and tough coatings are needed. Suitable for most surfaces indoors including metal, wood and some plastics.
1K Polyurethane Synthetic: An industrial coating used in virtually all industrial markets to provide a smooth durable finish, which has superior resistance to corrosion, abrasion and chemical exposure. Suitable for most surfaces indoors including metal, wood and some plastics.
1K Cellulose: A historic paint used on cars prior to 1978, it has excellent drying times, ease of use and is simple to polish to a high gloss after application. Can be used for many substrates such as wood, metal and some plastics.
Do different gloss levels change the price?
No, no matter the variance in gloss level this does not affect the price, just your sheen!
Full Gloss is 90% gloss, Semi Gloss is 50% gloss, Satin is around 30% gloss and Matt is 15% gloss. These are industry standards, however if you have a bespoke gloss level you can get in touch with customer services before you order to discuss this, as we can provide bespoke gloss levels on all paints and lacquers.
What is the typical coverage of a 400ml Spray Paint Aerosol?
Although coverage may vary from sprayer to sprayer, the typical coverage is around 2 meters squared per 400ml aerosol spray paint.
As you will require a minimum of 2x applied coats, typical coverage is 1 meter squared per aerosol canister.
Recommended film thickness is 30-40 microns per coat, however this will vary on actual use and specification. Great care should be taken to achieve DFT (Dry Film Thickness) stated in the agreed specification and avoid areas of excessively low or high thickness.
Where will I find the Safety Data Information?
Within the product page of your colour, you can locate the safety data information under the ‘Technical’ tab.
But if you’re aware of your paint type, you can easily download them from this location.
2K AirDry Converted
1K QAD Enamel
1K Polyurethane Synthetic
1K Cellulose
Do you offer a Colour Matching Service?
Whilst all our custom mixed colours are matched to a colour code, most people looking for a colour matching service do not know the actual colour code they are after and want to send in a sample to be matched up.
Colour Matching is a more expensive process than ordering a known colour code as you need to pay to send in the sample to a specialist colour technician who spends time matching the colour for you – this takes time and incurs extra costs; finally you will need to pay for the paint. So unless you are looking for a large batch of paint to be colour matched to a sample then we suggest looking through the colour charts for a similar colour code. We have 8,000 colours to choose from!
We do not offer this type of colour matching service, however if you know the colour code we can mix it.
Can you match Crown colours?
Yes! We can match Crown colours in all paint types and gloss levels.
Can you match Dulux Colours?
Yes! We can match Dulux colours in all paint types and gloss levels.
Can you match Pantone Colours?
Yes! We can match Pantone colours in all paint types and gloss levels.
Can you match Farrow and Ball Colours?
Yes! We can match F&B colours in all paint types and gloss levels.
Can you mix any colour?
Our motto is ‘You choose the colour, we fill the can’, however this does not mean we can mix every colour ever made!
We have 8 main colour ranges on the website, which is around 99% of what anyone could ever wish for, but we can also mix older colours that from time to time are requested. We have a huge database of Automotive colours used on all manner of vehicles including cars, trucks, vans, tractors, military vehicles and even machinery.
So on the odd occasion you do not find a specific colour code on the website, simply send us an email with the colour code and we will come back to you with an answer.
What if I cannot find my colour on your site?
If you cannot find your colour in any of our range pages, please fill in the form below and we will cross-reference against our colour database and come back to you with an answer.
Please Note: All aerosol spray paint orders require a colour code in order for us to process them.
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